Sustainable growth
Highest-possible standards
As a manufacturing company, we are responsible for our products, our manufacturing process and our procurement activities. We therefore set the highest-possible standards for our quality, production and supplier management systems. Many of these processes have been certified or are based on accepted industry standards. As a manufacturer of branded goods, we obviously want our customers to identify with our products in every way.

Labels, Seals and Certificates

Sustainably manufactured products
Melitta has been offering a wide variety of products which meet strict sustainability criteria for many years now. In addition, we use bamboo as a raw material for some of our Melitta® filter papers.
A growing number of our Branded and B2B coffee are also produced using sustainable resources.
We have been supporting internationally recognized sustainability organizations and initiatives, such as Rainforest Alliance for many years now. All these organizations are committed to improving working conditions and environmental standards in the coffee-growing countries, provide assistance for people to help themselves, and have specified a catalogue of minimum standards for sustainable coffee growing.
Our coffee plant in Cherry Hill New Jersey is now solar and we are creating their own energy by producing 20% of our electricity with our own solar panels. We just generated our first “Gigawatt” of electricity – a major milestone.
This equates to An Estimated Annual Environmental Benefit Equal To:
Trees Planted: 50,942
Gallons Of Water Conserved: 367,425
Pounds Of CO2 Removed: 1,017,767

Our Filters
All Cardboard, Corrugated, Plastic and Paper waste generated in the plant is recycled. We donate to American Forests on an annual basis. Their mission is:
American Forests is creating healthy and
resilient forests from cities to wilderness
that deliver essential benefits for
climate, people, water and wildlife.
Canadian Institute of Forestry
Our Code of Conduct: expression of our standards
Our aim is to always focus on the long-term development of the company. We assume responsibility for the protection of mankind and the environment and strive to reconcile economic, ecological and social interests in the best-possible way. This commitment is firmly anchored in our corporate values.
Our Group-wide Code of Conduct is based on these values and sets clear guidelines on behavior for our employees and suppliers. We take strict measures against any violations of our Code of Conduct in the same way as we combat unlawful behavior. We are committed to respecting human rights in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Furthermore, we have decided to comply with the German Sustainability Code in future by issuing an annual declaration.
We combat unlawful behavior with the aid of our compliance guidelines. These guidelines place particular emphasis on the topics of corruption and anti-competitive behavior. Our Internal Audit department randomly selects and analyzes all our business locations with regard to corruption and other risks. In addition, it reviews our organizational structures and processes in the case of abnormalities. Action is taken under labor law if any of the compliance guidelines are violated.

Offering new perspectives
Corporate social responsibility is in our DNA. We see ourselves as part of society and benefit from an intact environment in numerous ways. We therefore regard it as our duty to cooperate and play an active role in the solution of various social issues.
We provide support above all in those areas where our facilities are located, where we can directly monitor the progress of projects, and where we can integrate an aspect of personal commitment. This is illustrated, for example, by staff participation in our Volunteering Days, in local initiatives, and in presentations and lectures which employees give at schools and universities.
We take part in relief efforts for charitable organizations and for people in need and collect donations within the Group. In addition, we generally participate in medium- to long-term corporate citizenship projects. These include, in particular, the safeguarding of school and vocational education, the provision of sufficient places in kindergartens, schools and apprenticeship programs, and cooperation with initiatives and foundations aimed at providing support for children, adolescents and young families.
Examples of our social commitment:
Partnerships with educational institutions in Brazil (for example with the Ayrton Senna Institute) to support underprivileged children Implementing various projects in those coffee-growing regions where the Melitta Selection of the Year originates Cooperation with the Child Protection League and various kindergartens and schools in the region around our base in Minden Support for the education initiative against food waste “Don't throw me away!”